“For those of you who have dreamed of owning relatively compact stand mount monitors that really do convey the sense of reproducing (near) full-range bass, your loudspeaker has arrived.”
“Extraordinarily powerful low bass, considering the speaker’s modest dimensions...an uncolored, natural midrange.”
“The Pulsars are veritable light-sabers.”
“A two-way compact of impeccable craftmanship and sonic insight. This bass reflex design makes listening deep into the mix an altogether revelatory experience. Borrowing much of the cabinet and driver technology (including the superb tweeter) and advanced Infinite Slope crossover technology from the flagship Pearl, The diminutive Pulsar outputs music with smooth bass response and profound midrange purity. Its overall lack of grain couled with speed and clarity naturally bring to mind a ribbon or electrostatic. And in dynamic contrasts and transient behavior it is a veritable light-saber. It’s a speaker that combines the sophisticated sonic characteristics of a superb mini-monitor with the punch and much of the weight of a larger speaker. Ideal for the smaller home, and for our Mid-Priced Loudspeaker Of The Year Award.”